Thursday, November 19, 2015

Chapel Discussion Questions - 11/18/15

In chapel this month we've shifted our focus from the subjects of God and creation to learning what the Bible says about people.  We talked about our ability to communicate with God through prayer.  We thought about the different things that we sometimes carry in our "backpacks of life":  joy, sadness, problems, anger, etc.; and how we don't have to carry those things around.  We should talk to God about what matters to us since He made a way, through prayer, for us to talk.This week Pastor Tony spoke about our bodies having both a physical and spiritual part.  Our students actually practiced taking care of their physical bodies at lunch yesterday, when they tasted a "rainbow of colors" of different healthy foods.  Thank you, by the way, to Dawn Lemons, our P.E. teacher, and to all the parents who provided all the wonderful foods for us to taste.  I enjoyed the pomegranates the most, and I didn't even realize that I liked them!
Pastor Tony reminded us of ways we can take care of both our physical bodies and our spirits.  Here are some questions for discussion:

Genesis 2:7 (ERV)

"Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and made a man.  He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose, and the man became a living thing."

1.       What are some ways we can take better care of the bodies God gave us?
2.       What are some ways we can care for the spirit that God placed inside of us?
3.       Discuss how God spoke everything He created into existence, but He actually breathed into the nostrils of man to form him.

I am so thankful to have Tony Canady and Melvin Canales, who volunteer to come and nurture our spirits in chapel each week! I pray that every PRCA family unit will enjoy the many gifts that God has given us over the Thanksgiving break.


Jan Rogers, Director

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